Saturday, September 11, 2021

Blackhawk to Baker flight, 103 miles

 I think I was at Blackhawk launch at least 2 or 3 times, but never flew from there due to strong winds, but this year Gavin convinced me that it's going to be fine. There was also few folks from SB and Nicole was our driver. In fact conditions was excellent, light breeze with some cumulus clouds popping up near launch. As much as I had bad luck with this launch before this flight felt like jackpot and completely changed my perspective about it. Most of my desert flying before was from Marshall/Crestline on easterly days toward Palmdale and there was 1 occasion when we flew Kagel to Barstow. There are certainly more days when Marshall and Kagel does not work due to inversion and launching from desert (Ord and Blackhawk) makes a huge difference, but wind prediction is something I have to work on to avoid wasting time to come on the days when it's too strong.


Ozone M7

Blackhawk and hw 18

On the north side of hw 40

Afton Canyon

Mountains on the west side of hw 127

Picking LZ along I-15


My GPS track:

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