Sunday, July 28, 2019

Split Mountain hike

Split Mountain 14,064 ft another beautiful 14er I did this year. The hardest part was to get to trail head. One option was to go via Glacier Lodge Rd from Big Pine and than 12 miles on unpaved road going south. Well, If I could not make it on Prius I would have to hike for up to 12 miles, not good at all. Second options was going via Tinnemaha Campground, up to 4 miles of additional hiking, not bad. The problem arise when google suggested to go through private property land and I decided to hike around from the south side, which involved crossing creek (and swamp) twice. DON'T GO THIS WAY! On the way back I found correct road (on the north side), which does not even involve private land crossing, but 4x4 is definitely required.
Hike itself is quite easy and enjoyable , short section of class 2/3 after you pass Red Lake and get to the ridge, but before you reach main crest is not too bad. I can recommend this as first 14er.

Red Lake

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